Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Preseason Already!?

Summer is just around the corner and it's time to start thinking about preseason. Many players seem to forget about preseason until a week or two before when they realize they should start running, but the serious and dedicated athletes understand the importance of getting ahead of the game. Conditioning for preseason should begin no later than the first of June in order to build up endurance and strength by the time fall rolls around. I have included a 3-week fitness sample which will get you started on the right track.
Week 1:
-          25 minute run (2 times)
o   Aim for 8:15 minute miles. Record time and distance
-          Interval run 25 minutes (2 times)
o   Walk, jog, sprint- use telephone poles as markers
-          Weight Lifting (3 times on alternative days)
o   Day 1: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
o   Day 2: Back & Biceps
o   Day 3: Legs
-          Speed Circuit (1 time)
o   Alternative Starts: (1 time) Jog back- NO walking
§  Falling starts ( 4x- 15 yards) ** focus on first 3 quick steps then lengthen stride
§  3 sprint w/ Left foot forward
§  3 sprints w/ Right foot forward
§  3 sprints w/ left knee on ground, right foot up
§  3 sprints w/ right knee on ground, left foot up
§  3 sprints: backwards run 10 yards, turn sprint forward 10 yards
o   Ladder: (If don’t have one draw with chalk on the road)
§  1 foot each box (2x) **down and back = 1**
§  2 feet each box (2x)
§  In-In-Out-Out Shuffle (2x)
§  High Knees 2 feet each box facing forward (2x)
§  High knees 2 feet each box facing sideways (2x each side)

Week 2:
-          20 minute run (2 times)
o   Aim for 9 minute mile
-          Interval run 25 minutes (2 times)
o   Walk, jog, sprint- use telephone poles as markers **Try to minimize walking**
-          Weight Lift (3 times)
o   Same format as week 1
-          Figure 8’s  ( 1 time)
o   Use full soccer field
o   Start at one corner sprint endline
o   Jog Side line
o   Sprint center line
o   Jog Side Line
o   Continue until back to start
o   Complete 4 times
o   Complete 2 in a row then rest 1 minute then do the last 2
-          Speed Circuit
o   150 yard Shuttles (1 time)                             
§  Measure 25 yards
§  Down and back is 1: do 3 down and backs in a row
§  Rest 1 minute
§  Complete 4 times
o   Dribble Weave
§  Use shirts, shoes whatever you can find and randomly spread them around in a 15 yard area
§  Dribble in area and work on moves, cutbacks ect every time you come to a shirt/shoe
§  Work for 40 sec then rest 25 sec
§  Complete this series 6 times
Week 3:
-          30 minute run (1 time)
-          Interval Run 25 minutes (3 times)
o   Sprint – jog only
-          Weight Lifting (3 times)
o   Same format as week 1 & 2
-          150 & 300 yard shuttles (1 time)
o   Do 3 sets of 150 yard shuttles (same format as week 2)
o   Do 2 300 yard shuttles (Do 1 rest 1 min, repeat.)
§  With 300’s mark out 25 yards and complete 6 down and backs for 1 set
-          Plyos & Speed Circuit (1 time)
o   Plyos:
§  Use a 15 yard distance. One set is 15 yards, jog back to beginning.
§  Knee-to-chest jumps (2x)
§  1 Legged hops (2x) both legs
§  Squat Jumps
·         Knee-to-chest jumps but go into a full squat upon landing
o   Speed Work:
§  Push-up sprints: 
§  10 yards- sprint down- back- down, then complete 5 push-ups
§  Repeat 3 times in a row.
§  Do 4 sets.
** Make sure to WARM-UP before doing any sprints and stretch**
** Also, be sure to do a COOL-DOWN after sprint work and stretch**
-          Easy jog, high knees, butt kicks, carioca, skips, power skips, backward jog, walking lunges, inch worm ect.

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