All Pro are gearing up for summer soccer!
Teams are traveling to Italy, Spain, England, Scotland and Wales!
The Pro Soccer Camps are filling fast and the Pro Coaches from Europe will be heading across the pond to share their expert tips on how to be a PRO!

Friday, June 3, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Preseason Already!?
Summer is just around the corner and it's time to start thinking about preseason. Many players seem to forget about preseason until a week or two before when they realize they should start running, but the serious and dedicated athletes understand the importance of getting ahead of the game. Conditioning for preseason should begin no later than the first of June in order to build up endurance and strength by the time fall rolls around. I have included a 3-week fitness sample which will get you started on the right track.
Week 1:
- 25 minute run (2 times)
o Aim for 8:15 minute miles. Record time and distance
- Interval run 25 minutes (2 times)
o Walk, jog, sprint- use telephone poles as markers
- Weight Lifting (3 times on alternative days)
o Day 1: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
o Day 2: Back & Biceps
o Day 3: Legs
- Speed Circuit (1 time)
o Alternative Starts: (1 time) Jog back- NO walking
§ Falling starts ( 4x- 15 yards) ** focus on first 3 quick steps then lengthen stride
§ 3 sprint w/ Left foot forward
§ 3 sprints w/ Right foot forward
§ 3 sprints w/ left knee on ground, right foot up
§ 3 sprints w/ right knee on ground, left foot up
§ 3 sprints: backwards run 10 yards, turn sprint forward 10 yards
o Ladder: (If don’t have one draw with chalk on the road)
§ 1 foot each box (2x) **down and back = 1**
§ 2 feet each box (2x)
§ In-In-Out-Out Shuffle (2x)
§ High Knees 2 feet each box facing forward (2x)
§ High knees 2 feet each box facing sideways (2x each side)
Week 2:
- 20 minute run (2 times)
o Aim for 9 minute mile
- Interval run 25 minutes (2 times)
o Walk, jog, sprint- use telephone poles as markers **Try to minimize walking**
- Weight Lift (3 times)
o Same format as week 1
- Figure 8’s ( 1 time)
o Use full soccer field
o Start at one corner sprint endline
o Jog Side line
o Sprint center line
o Jog Side Line
o Continue until back to start
o Complete 4 times
o Complete 2 in a row then rest 1 minute then do the last 2
- Speed Circuit
o 150 yard Shuttles (1 time)
§ Measure 25 yards
§ Down and back is 1: do 3 down and backs in a row
§ Rest 1 minute
§ Complete 4 times
o Dribble Weave
§ Use shirts, shoes whatever you can find and randomly spread them around in a 15 yard area
§ Dribble in area and work on moves, cutbacks ect every time you come to a shirt/shoe
§ Work for 40 sec then rest 25 sec
§ Complete this series 6 times
Week 3:
- 30 minute run (1 time)
- Interval Run 25 minutes (3 times)
o Sprint – jog only
- Weight Lifting (3 times)
o Same format as week 1 & 2
- 150 & 300 yard shuttles (1 time)
o Do 3 sets of 150 yard shuttles (same format as week 2)
o Do 2 300 yard shuttles (Do 1 rest 1 min, repeat.)
§ With 300’s mark out 25 yards and complete 6 down and backs for 1 set
- Plyos & Speed Circuit (1 time)
o Plyos:
§ Use a 15 yard distance. One set is 15 yards, jog back to beginning.
§ Knee-to-chest jumps (2x)
§ 1 Legged hops (2x) both legs
§ Squat Jumps
· Knee-to-chest jumps but go into a full squat upon landing
o Speed Work:
§ Push-up sprints:
§ 10 yards- sprint down- back- down, then complete 5 push-ups
§ Repeat 3 times in a row.
§ Do 4 sets.
** Make sure to WARM-UP before doing any sprints and stretch**
** Also, be sure to do a COOL-DOWN after sprint work and stretch**
- Easy jog, high knees, butt kicks, carioca, skips, power skips, backward jog, walking lunges, inch worm ect.
Friday, February 11, 2011
New Concept... Food as Fuel
We established last week that the type of food you eat can dramatically alter your performance on the field. So this week we want to go over what and when exactly should you eat in order to bring your game to the next level. Our new concept is to think of food as fuel. An athlete needs to do a quick checklist before determining what type of fuel will be best for them. The checklist includes:
1.) Intensity (how hard will you be working? Light jog or sprint intervals?)
2.) Duration (how long will you be training? A 90-min match or a 30 min weight session?)
3.) Athlete’s fitness status (what is your current level of fitness? Superior or maybe you’re just starting)
The world of nutrition is a complex one and we could write page after page explaining the phenomenon behind it, but we are going to break it down and just cover the most important aspects. The number one energy source that fuels exercise is…. CARBOHYDRATES. When your body is lacking carbs the length of your workout and the intensity at which you can go at dramatically decreases. Let’s get into the important facts about what to eat before a match…
1.) Eat 3-4 hours before competition (this allows for proper digestion and builds up energy stores)
2.) The meal should contain 150-300g of carbohydrates (this will allow your body to fuel itself throughout the game)
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a bagel with a side of fruit.
- Turkey and cheese sandwich with side of fruit
- Pasta
- Chicken with vegetables and rice
- Oatmeal with fruit
- Fruit juice, sports drink or water are good choices for beverages
As soon as the match is over you need to replenish you body immediately (within 1 hour). The post game meal helps to repair and maintain muscle tissue that has been broken down from exercise. Good choices are chocolate milk, whole wheat pasta, potatoes, and protein sources such as chicken or steak.
Now that we have gone over the basics of proper nutrition, you are on your way to fueling up and playing like a champ!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Food for Thought
For the average joe, nutrition may become important when they are trying to lose weight for health reasons or for that upcoming beach vacation, or maybe their doctor is harping on them for having high cholesterol. For an athlete, proper nutrition isn’t only important… it is imperative to performance. People tend to eat food that tastes good to them, but an athlete needs to tweak that thinking and view food as fuel.
When it comes to young athletes they often have the mindset that since they are athletes they can eat whatever they want. If you eat a bag of Doritos and wash it down with a Mountain Dew ten minutes before you step on the field your chances of performing at your best is highly unlikely. I have heard protests from many athletes stating that they can eat whatever they want and they always play well. This may be true but what they may not understand is that by fueling their bodies in a more efficient way their typical “good game” can be transformed into an amazing game.
Now that we understand that we need to fuel our bodies better to improve our performance, where and how do we start? Tune in next week for the blog continuation and learn how and what to eat before and after matches and you will be on your way to dramatically improving your game!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Fitness... the stepping stone to elite football
“Players have to react faster. Every movement, every action happens faster. Think faster, act faster, this is the football of the future.” (Valery Lobanovsky, 1996). We all know that the speed of play and the intensity of the game continues to increase. Athletes are training harder and with more precision than ever before and the demands of competing are getting higher. So what are the requirements of elite football??
- Physical strength
- Understanding of the game
- Timing
- Mental Strength
Out of the 4 core requirements the easiest to manipulate and control is….Physical strength.
Every coach has their own philosophy on what conditioning works best. Not all positions require the same type of energy systems therefore you need to assess each athlete individually. If you were a marathon runner you wouldn’t train by running sprints alone each and everyday, would you? Let’s break down the positions… For striker’s and the backs more emphasize on anaerobic training such as short and long sprints are better utilized for training than constant 6 mile jogs. As for midfielders, more area is required to be covered so players should try to incorporate a combination of endurance training (longer runs 4-6 miles) and anaerobic training just like the strikers and defensive line.
Aside from running, all players regardless of positions would highly benefit from doing 2-day per week plyometric training and hitting the weight room 3-5 days per week. Being able to move quickly and hold other players off the ball will make a huge difference between playing time and bench time.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The three s'sss
Now the title may seem a little strange, however, let me explain.
Here at All Pro the phrase/term three s'sss means something.
1. Soccer
2. Sea
3. Sand
Now close your eyes. Think of a country you have always wanted to travel to...Now imagine training like a pro, enjoying life like a pro, and experiencing a truly unique soccer culture.
This thought/dream could actually come true. If you want to enjoy a truly great time with your soccer team, play in an international tournament, and see the sights of the world. What is stopping you?
Here at All Pro the phrase/term three s'sss means something.
1. Soccer
2. Sea
3. Sand
Now close your eyes. Think of a country you have always wanted to travel to...Now imagine training like a pro, enjoying life like a pro, and experiencing a truly unique soccer culture.
This thought/dream could actually come true. If you want to enjoy a truly great time with your soccer team, play in an international tournament, and see the sights of the world. What is stopping you?
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